Welcome to Spam Valley Croft

Spam Valley Croft is my home, and a personal ambition to benefit my community in a multitude of ways. Keep reading to find out more about us, and what we do.


Our comprehensive team of professional egg layers work hard to feed our family and the wider community. Please take what you need, pay what you can, what you think is fair, or something you can swap, for our tasty, delicious eggs.


Composting has always been something I have strongly rooted for and been passionate about implementing. Don’t have your own composting facilities? I’ll take it.


Growing plants from seed can be a pain in the backside at times. I often grow cuttings of butterfly bushes, rosemary and tomatoes.


Seedlings? They can be fickle, I aim to grow a healthy supply for the wider community in the spring. Same as the eggs, pay what you can.

Pot exchange

Fed up with those pots sitting in your garden? Sit them in mine, I’m running a pot exchange.

The dogs

As this is our family home, our family lives here. We have four, beautiful fur babies, do you want to meet up for a walk? Let me know, they are VERY friendly.

Knitting patterns

This is a space where I can share knitting patterns, I am trying to run my first knit along, via a Facebook group.

What is Spam valley?

Spam Valley is a light hearted, local, jokey term for an area of more expensive housing within Campbeltown. The name comes from the rumour that the residents of “Spam Valley” had paid so much for their houses that although they appeared wealthy to the local population they were actually nearing poverty and were reduced to eating low-cost meat product Spam. “Spam Valley” is used widely in Scotland, with many towns having their own version.

Spam Valley Newsletter

  • Thought-provoking points about sustainable living
  • Chicken shenanigans
  • A way to keep up to date

“The only issue is the eggs are hard to break. Thick shells are a sign of healthy birds.” – Donald, age 47

Andi Gillies

Half owner of Spam Valley

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